Tuesday 10 July 2012

Liv again

hey guys its me again. O really dont feel like changing the font so im just going to leave it the way it is. I mean, KAtie's not here right now, so it doesnt really matter. :P

Have you guys subscribed to the One Direction newsletter??

Well you should have because if you didn't before yesterday, then you wouldn't have gotten the email! It's an email to a link of a little vid that 1D made while in the USA. right now it's only avalable to people who have the link, and they emailed you  the link today! :) yay!

anyway, it's so awesome, and i know im kinda braging right now, but im teling the truth!

it's not all over yet though. there r still some more vids!

all you have to do is go to Onedirectionmusic.com and ckick on "newsletter" and then sign up!

anyway, i gotta go now.

sorry, this post was really stupid, so to make up for it, here's a youtube vid

Tuesday 3 July 2012


Hey guys. Katie left a few minutes ago...actually i htink ti was half an hour ago. :P i was too busy writing. :) Well im not really sure what i was going to post here, i just thought that i should post something. actually, take that back. im just bored and really dont know what to do, so im posting this. when my dad gets home from work he's gonna give me my binder that i forgot at my friend claire's house, so i can continue in the story that i am really far into.

Claire's cousin Matthew's friend's dad owns a publishing company, and i'm hopping to write an awesome book and have them publish it.

That would be so cool! I just need an idea. I like the story that i'm writing in my binder, but its a One Direction love story. I mean its really good (or so im told) and I wish more people could read that one, but i really dont think that it would get pulished and all that copyright poo.

So i might just make up a band name and change the name of them all and it might work. theni could keep all the same events and stuff... yeah that might work!! Now i just have to think of a band name, and 5 guys names!

Oh, and I have to finish writing the books too.


Hey guys its me, olivia. katie is over to hang out, but now she wants to call her dad, so pretty soon its just gonna be me :( We decided to make this blog simply because we were SOOOOOOO BORED!  we were even looking up on google "things to do when you are bored"

Oh yay! Katie's back!

hey hey hey its me your fav(lol jk) YAy guess what totally random my great grandfather is coming and he only has 3 fingers on his left hand because they were cut off by a tablesaw scary right yeah i know well i thought that was quite random.let me tell you about me and miss olivia .Olivia is the quiet  shy one.And i am the crazy quite loud one thought sometimes i can be shy!.......... well no more to say so bai from the both of us!

Well mostly "bai" from her. Im upset now. i just peeled of a little bit of skin from my finger (Blech) and i cant find a band-aid!

anyway, we really didnt need to know about your great grandfather only having 3 fingers...
Yes, I am the shy one, but once you get to know me, i am a little crazy :P kind or like Zayn from 1D :):):)
anyone else like JB? im listening to "Fall" right now. Katie here -
katie just got a fotune that was "Someone nearby hates you" and she thinks it's me! :(
anyway, as i was saying Katie here wishes that her BGF would sing it to her! Isn't that sweet?! <3 lol yeah my best friend is living one of those "I'm crushing on my BGF" lives.

Katie is a bit histarical now. she just got a fotne "Your crush will kiss you soon" oh katie.

If any of you want to be like katie and obsess over a fortune app, download ipredict its free dont worry, but katie absalootly loves it.

well there is a lot of words here, so i htink imma end it now. :P

Bye my lovlies!

About US

Im kaitlyn and im a taurus i love dancing, gymnastics and singing. I  LOVE ONE DIRECTION!<3 so thanks baii peace and love and all that fun stuff!

Boo! I'm Olivia and im a CAPRICOrN! (teehee) and yes, i am proud to say that its a goat :P I love to write, play volleyball, swim...AND
ONE DIRECTION! especially mr. Harry Styles and Niall Horan! :D:D:D I really don't know what else to write, so im just going to say bye.
Bye my lovlies!